At the gym today, I came to the realization that I needed to confess to God my sin of gluttony. It's been a hard last few months. Back in March, I wrote about my struggle with anxiety and stress and how I dealt with it. This was especially so because of the circumstances that I was in. (You can check out that post here). I had been covering up the cracks of pain with Pilsbury Chocolate Frosting, using it as a mortar to try to build something substantial to hold me together. 10lbs later, I'm realizing that's not a good idea. It started innocently enough, but now that my stomach hurts from my pants cutting into it as I sit down to write this, I realize how vicious gluttony truly is.

He is so innocently evil. He has an all consuming never ending hunger and just wishes to eat. He is vicious but is so innocent at the same time. (Spoiler alert) It's hard not to feel sorry for him later on in the series when he dies. He is evil and is all consuming and in the end, he is consumed by a fellow homunculus. His final cries stick with you. He is so trusting of his fellow sins and is shocked when he is destroyed. It is a sad ending to a vicious sin.

Is food itself bad? No. Is loving delicious foods and enjoying their flavor bad? No. But allowing it become my comfort in times of need isn't good and that is shown in my waist line as of yet.
So I push on. The last two weeks I've done straight cardio and am once again hitting the weights. Slowly but surely I will consume gluttony with health. I hope I might be able to create newer habits of dealing with my stress.
How about you? Has a coping method become something more consuming that it ought? How have you dealt with it?
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