I was always told in high school that algebra would be useful when I grew up. Algebra doesn't tell you how to hold your ground when you're son refuses to eat one mandarin orange slice. Algebra never taught me to resist the urge to go all Mad Max and the Thurnderdome on my kids, throwing them in the basement, two will enter, one will leave. And telling them to go to their room until their 18 doesn't work all to well either.
And no matter how many books you find, algebra doesn't prepare you for potty training. Worst than that, it doesn't prepare you to deal with people who are perfect parents and remind you of such as they give you advice after advice after advice of how to raise your kids such as doing potty training. Sorry, but I'm not about to let my daughter run around the house naked to get used to going potty. I really don't want to clean that all up.
What I never could figure out is how come my two kids can be at each others throats one minute--pushing and fighting and arguing--then getting along and being good to each other the next. And then after that, they're way too quiet conspiring to take over the world! No, seriously, I think my son said that and then added that evil scientist laugh (muwhahahahaha) afterward.
I was told that my kids would have different personalities. What I wasn't told was that they would have different personalities but both very similar to mine. My daughter is strong willed, obstinate and cunning--I don't think even duct tape can keep her at bay. My son is silver tongued, can haggle like you wouldn't believe, nice, gentle and can throw a temper tantrum like you wouldn't believe. Yeah, these are my kids.
I've always wanted like a spiritual mentor. Someone who could help me be a good father, one who modles Christ to my kids. One who shows my kids what it means to be a Godly person, a Godly man, a man who loves Jesus. And I work hard on it. And my kids (much like the snow blower) has been teaching me to be more Christlike. Because unlike that blasted snow blower (which has been taken into the John Deere shop for now, thank goodness)my kids can and WILL repeat what I say.

So, but by the grace of God, go I in parenting..Lord help me be Christ to my kids...please..and if you're trying to teach me something.. uncle
There is no such thing as a perfect parent. I also have a difficult time trying to be patient with all of the 'helpful' advice I get in this endeavor. The truth is, we're all winging it. We're never sure of what we're doing but we're doing the best we can. ^_^ All we can hope for is that in the end, our children will grow up with fewer neuroses than we have and be happy. Good luck; the toddler years do end. I promise!
ReplyDeleteGlad to know that the toddler years end.. I'm just debating if I save up for their college fund or save up for their therapy later in life