I was reading up on the blog Stuff Christians Like about going to church instead of staying home and watching the football game. Being an ardent Chicago Bears fan, I do struggle with that. Can I finish up the worship service in time for us to rush home and see the game. I've actually checked the schedule to see if the game will be played during the afternoon worship, later in the evening or will I have to stream it off of WBBM.com while prepping for the next service. This actually happened back in December and I was late for the second service.
I've also realized that nothing separates nor polarizes people like sports does. Don't know why. In the Chicagoland area, it matters if you're a Sox fan or a Cubs fan. I've seen huge arguments over this and splitting families apart. And a mix marriage of a Sox and Cubs fan.. how will you raise the kids, you can't let them make a "choice." Now, there's some good nature ribbing between Vikes and Bears fans...not so much between Packers and Bears though.
But also nothing more solidifies people together, brings them to being one as it does sharing a team. Just mentioning the name Ditka to some Bears fan and you see the respect they have for him.
Now this is where you might be expecting an exhortation on something such as false gods, what you place as important in life, or taking that same time to study God's word and pray. But honestly, if you're DVRing the game to go to church, I think you're doing okay. If you already walked through your mind what I might have said (especially from previous posts)then you're on the right track.. keep it up.
Of course, Jesus did say that you cannot serve two masters. He did say that where our heart is there our treasure is also. Or as Yogi Bera once said "The main thing needs to be the main thing." Like DVRing a game to focus on worshiping God.
What are you putting aside to make the main thing the main thing?
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