Now, I must admit, I've never really played any Roll Playing Games (RPGs). I tried here and there but apparently sarcasm towards the DM isn't something you want to use if you want your character to stay alive (DM: "You must use the net of capturing to bind the enemy." Me: "Then what, the Sword of cutting to finish him off or the toaster of toasting to make him breakfast?" Yeah, didn't last long in high school...college didn't work either). But I did laugh my head off one day at the mall when I saw a dude wearing a shirt that read "Invisibility Shirt +10"
RPGs take us into another world. A world run by kinds and queens or with family clans fighting to stay alive or to a place where valor, honor and courage still live though still flawed. They are places of visions, of mystery, and a place of rules.
Some time back, I was helping someone look for a Bible who had never had one before. He said he was told to get the book of Luke. He was shocked when I informed him that the Bible had 66 books. After he realized they were short books put into one compilation (You know, like they do with story arcs in X-men), he wanted to know more. I told him about the New Testament which contained stories of Jesus and letters from Paul along with God's assurance of safety found in Revelation. He then asked about the Old Testament. "Well," I said smiling, "that's where all the sex and violence is at." He starred at me blankly and said "In the bible?"
Yep. Sex and violence in the Bible. You have warrior kings, you have men and women who fight hard and viciously (One lady named Jael drove a tent stake through a dude's head. They Ladies also are awesome in this book). You have men who speak in riddles and see visions. One of these men was surrounded by chariots of fire and was taken up in flames.

Now, when it comes to Jesus, there is no + anything. He didn't need anything, he was it. He was it all. I always had to roll the dice, but the DM, who knew the journey, who knew what was coming next, acted and did what was needed based upon the journey written.
In the Old Testament, we have the sex and violence and flawed humanity. In the New Testament, we have Jesus, the most powerful, strong, amazing person ever who humbly denied it all. To get to the level of Jesus, we'd have to roll +bajillion, which will never happen. No matter how you roll the dice, it'll never happen. But with him, there's no need to do so. He's taken it all upon himself. Died and is raised to life..and not as a zombie either! But more powerful like when Gandalf came back.
Strength and valor and the Journey are there. They exist. They are real. The greatest Journey you can ever go on requires no dice, no DM but Jesus. He can lead you to an amazing Journey n one could ever make up.
What is your journey?
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