What I don't get about sun burns is that people look at you in all your red lobsterness (an yes, I know Mr. Krabs is acrab) and ask "You have a sun burn, huh?" Maybe it's just the body rushing blood away from my brain to heal the skin but the first thing I want to usually say is "What was your first clue, Captain Obvious?" ...which I don't say but sometimes I really really really do.
Being the nerd that I am, I went on WebMd today to look up sun burns (which was better than my first choice, Wikipedia, but Wikipedia had cooler pictures). Apparently I even chagned my DNA with the sun or something like that. Cool. Sadly, I won't be able to climb walls like spider man or shoot beams out of my eyes like Cyclops. But still, cool, my skin had a chemical reaction of red awesome yesterday.
But it still hurts. Like ouch hurts.
Maybe I can be thankful that I can peel the skin next week...or did I just gross you out. Sorry.. I think it's a guy thing.
I could be thankful that now I can get out of mowing the lawn tomorrow like I said I would...wait, no, because I can wear a long sleeve shirt and quit my belly aching.
When I was a kid and we'd get wicked bad burns, we'd slather on aloe vera gel and lay in front of a fan and fall asleep. That sounds nice. An excuse to take a nap. Wish I thought of that earlier today.
Well, so far I haven't thought of anything to be thankful for in regards to having a sun burn. I'm gonna go read my manga now and rest.
How're ways you can be thankful for something like a sun burn that might be hard to be thankful for. Share it and let me know, I'd like to try it for my sun burn.
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